native trees uk

It’s a hybrid between the small-leaved and large-leaved lime, and is a particular favourite of aphids and their many predators. Its leaves and berries are a favourite for wildlife in woods and towns alike. 2296645), is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Woodland Trust. You’ll often find this striking tree planted in landscape-scale gardens as a specimen tree. This common tree, with its silver-white bark, is favoured by gardeners who want to renew and purify their land for coming year. Strong, neat and bendy, osier willow is the best of the best for basket weaving. An attractive deciduous tree featuring fresh green new shoots, green spring flowers, and buttery yellow autumn colour. Strong, neat and bendy, osier willow is the best of the best for basket weaving. And its nuts are loved by people, squirrels and hazel dormice. N-318 Ag Sciences Center University of Kentucky Lexington, KY 40546-0091. This common tree, with its silver-white bark, is favoured by gardeners who want to renew and purify their land for coming year. Woodland Trust (Enterprises) Limited, registered in England (No. Towering, romantic, sticky. VAT No. Grows v. fast. Our A-Z guide to British trees from native species to naturalised and widely planted non-natives. To wander beneath the leafy canopy, its cathedral-like branches spreading upwards, is an awe-inspiring experience. Crab apple. Plymouth pear was named after where it was found in the 1800s. Bird cherry, Prunus padus. It is one of only three native conifers, and our only native pine. A pretender to the throne, the Turkey oak was introduced to the UK in the 1700s and is now impacting our native oak populations. A non-profit-making company limited by guarantee. A symbol of fertility and a forager's delight. Find out all you need to know about why elder is the very essence of summer. It’s less valuable to wildlife, but much faster growing and a host of the knopper oak gall wasp. It’s a... Apple. At the centre of many neighbour wars, Leyland cypress can reach great heights very quickly. Full sun. A symbol of fertility and a forager's delight. Many of us, city dwellers, indulge in modern meticulous gardens, finely tuned for low maintenance with contrived, eclectic mixes of floras from every part of the planet. Large-leaved lime is a handsome broadleaf tree that is a rich home for wildlife. All Scotland’s forests, woodlands and associated open ground habitats provide some biodiversity value. All Scotland’s forests, woodlands and associated open ground habitats provide some biodiversity value. The rippling leaves of this beautiful tree give it its name: quaking aspen. Woodland Trust (Enterprises) Limited, registered in England (No. Silver birch, Betula pendula. A total of 371,875 trees will be planted in addition to the 60,000 native trees planted by the estate in 2010, to replace a monoculture coniferous plantation dating back to the post-war years. Spot it at riversides with leaves draped in the water where it feeds and shelters native wildlife. Bane of witches, diviner of the future and producer of jam, rowan is an elegant tree with a mystical history. White poplar might not be native, but it is naturalised in the UK. Native tree. Most tree roots need air as much as they need water. It’s beautiful, useful, and its year-round leaf cover makes it a winter haven for wildlife. Alder buckthorn is used to make … To wander beneath the leafy canopy, its cathedral-like branches spreading upwards, is an awe-inspiring experience. Tart, tangy and crisp. First introduced around AD 995, the diverse and delicious pear is a favourite with wildlife and people alike. It is a hybrid of rowan and rock whitebeam which has stayed on the Isle of Arran since the last glaciers were formed. And its nuts are loved by people, squirrels and hazel dormice. But how do we define what is native or non-native? 12m (40ft). [5] Understated until the colder months when it bursts into colour, dogwood is a broadleaf shrub which thrives in damp woodland edges. However, it’s still under threat, along with the wildlife that relies on it. I heard that Plum - Victoria grows well in the UK. The yew is one of the longest-lived native species in Europe. This has made it a symbol of death and doom, but it provides food and shelter for woodland animals. 1982873. Bane of witches, diviner of the future and producer of jam, rowan is an elegant tree with a mystical history. It’s rarely found in the wild but is a popular ornamental tree in parks and gardens, with lovely blossom and russet autumn leaves. Holly is a well-loved shrub that shelters birds and gives hedgehogs a cosy place to hibernate. Find out all you need to know about blackthorn. Ancient, morbid, toxic. Less famous than English oak, but no less loved, the sessile oak towers in the woods. Native Trees of Kentucky. Scruffy and loud, the crack willow is named after its habit of splitting with cracks and fissures, and how noisy its branches are when they break. 100% sourced and grown in the UK so we can trace the origin of every tree. Industrious, delicate, colourful. Native trees will provide homes, shelter and sustenance for native species of birds, small mammals, including hedgehogs, insects and other wildlife. Loves wet sites & poor soil. Bigleaf Magnolia - Magnolia macrophylla. A cosy home for wildlife and a gin-drinker’s delight, the juniper is a much-loved evergreen that brightens up the winter months. Prickly and with the ability to purge. Silver birch is a tall, airy tree with papery white bark and a light canopy … These days it’s rare and hard to find but it’s still a favourite with wildlife like the wood pigeon, whose gut softens its seeds for propagation. Soft on the outside. Festive, useful, squirrel food. Most tree roots need air as much as they need water. Ragged robin. All trees have clues and features that can help with identification. From £34.99 Inc VAT A true springtime stunner, it’s not so long ago that you could find wild-service fruit at a market. Favoured by foragers. Find out all you need to know about blackthorn. Despite being huge, this non-native conifer isn’t a favourite with wildlife, though birds do enjoy its seeds. It’s a fierce, invasive species in North America. 294344) and in Scotland (No. It supports more life than any other native tree species in the UK; even its fallen leaves support biodiversity. Grow native plants in your business to help biodiversity and local wildlife. Rare, rugged, isolated. It might surprise you to know that a lot of parks and green spaces will have more non-native species than native. Native Trees in the Group "True" Native Tree? Introduced by the Romans and a roasted winter treat. We want to make sure everyone in the UK has the chance to plant a tree. Caterpillars flock to feed on its leaves and its fuzzy catkins are an early pollen source for pollinators. Feared by the devil. Decimated by Dutch elm disease, the sweeping and majestic wych elm is a much rarer sight these days. Registered in England No. Fax (Lexington): 859-257-2859 (Princeton): 270-365-2667 For questions about home gardening, landscaping or commercial horticulture production, please contact your county extension agent. Native tree and shrub species ‘Native’ tree and shrub species are those that were present at the end of the last Ice Age. It supports lots of wildlife, including the elusive and regal purple emperor butterfly. Alder buckthorn. The black poplar was once a staple of Britain’s landscape but these days, the trees are few and far between. Wide range of bare root hedging, shrubs, trees and roses. It’s not only a source of food and shelter for native wildlife, it can even decontaminate soils it is planted on! The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. Damsons and cherryplums are very similar and a bit sweeter. Box Hill in Surrey takes its name from the ancient box woodland on its steep chalk slopes. At home on a country estate or deep in the wild, this lime is common in name only. Alder buckthorn is used to make gunpowder, pigments and dyes. Ash is one of the most common trees in the UK, but as ash dieback sweeps through, is it set to be erased from our countryside? Download our free Tree ID app for Android and iPhone to identify the UK's native and non-native trees. This plant’s common name harks back its use as a laxative. Autumn leaf identification quiz: can you identify these 10 trees? Pretty, pale, a symbol of purity. SC038885). The wood of this tough tree doesn’t rot when waterlogged, instead turning stronger and harder. Common Hornbeam Trees. GB520 6111 04. Hazel is one of the most useful trees for its bendy stems and as a conservation saviour. Feared by the devil. Some trees introduced a long time ago to Britain are now considered ‘naturalised’. Native UK trees colonised the land when the glaciers melted after the last Ice Age and before the UK was disconnected from mainland Europe. A mutant favourite with wildlife, the Irish yew is thought to have developed from the common yew. Buy bare root plants for delivery from our Staffordshire garden centre to anywhere in the UK. It’s less valuable to wildlife, but much faster growing and a host of the knopper oak gall wasp. Browse our full range of Garden Trees.. Standard trees are measured by their girth 1 metre above the ground, and young saplings are measured by height.Therefore, a 6/8cm Standard tree is much bigger than an 60/80cm sapling tree. A reputation for causing a bang. £59.99 (ex VAT) (VAT Free) (ex VAT) (inc VAT) (VAT Free) (inc VAT) Buy View. Pollution fighter, autumn stunner, syrup maker. A total of 371,875 trees will be planted in addition to the 60,000 native trees planted by the estate in 2010, to replace a monoculture coniferous plantation dating back to the post-war years. Carpinus betulus Tree. Tallest tree in the UK Downy birch: Betula pubescens: Native: Broadleaf: May … Alder buckthorn is used to make gunpowder, pigments and dyes. Find out more. Carpinus betulus Tree. Tough on the inside. Images © protected Woodland Trust. Our only native maple, widespread in England Wales, and seen in woodland, scrub and old hedges, usually on alkaline soils. Beautiful blossom and a bounty of bright red fruits. Find out more about one of the most majestic of all planted trees. Cherry plum is one of the first trees to blossom in the UK. A true springtime stunner, it’s not so long ago that you could find wild-service fruit at a market. On a global scale, this tree, with its fuzzy leaf stalks, shoots and twigs, grows further north than any other broadleaf species. American Beech - Fagus grandifolia. It’s one of the largest willows and its leaves are popular with moth caterpillars. A welcome sign you’re homeward bound, the wayfaring tree is so named because it grows close to paths. How to identify trees. Towering in the glen, the Scots pine is a truly stunning tree. Tough on the inside. The black pine is common in shelterbelts, gardens and timber yards alike. It’s rarely found in the wild but is a popular ornamental tree in parks and gardens, with lovely blossom and russet autumn leaves. Outside this area, unless spread naturally it is considered non-native, usually as a result of cultivation. Charming, sturdy, pollinator-magnet. Learn the art of dry stone walling, woodland management, tree planting, hedgelaying and much more. In Cornwall, the closely related species Quercus petraea (sessile oak) is the predominant oak species. American Hornbeam - Carpinus caroliniana. These days it’s rare and hard to find but it’s still a favourite with wildlife like the wood pigeon, whose gut softens its seeds for propagation. Ecological Common Sense. Once growing to lofty heights, but now more common in hedgerows. £59.99 (ex VAT) (VAT Free) (ex VAT) (inc VAT) (VAT Free) (inc VAT) Buy View. Just across the English Channel in France and there are dozens more tree species considered native including silver fir (Abies alba), European larch (Larix decidua), cornelian cherry (Cornus mas), and Norway maple (Acer platanoides), to name a few. SC038885). Imposing, aged, useful. Outside this area, unless spread naturally it is considered non-native, usually as a result of cultivation. American Holly - Ilex opaca. VAT No. modern garden design UK native plants blog / planting design. Decimated by Dutch elm disease, the sweeping and majestic wych elm is a much rarer sight these days. Monumental, majestic, home to rare wildlife. Charming and domestic, the whitebeam’s fruit is a favourite of garden birds. Towering in the glen, the Scots pine is a truly stunning tree. Fiery, fast and spiked, the red oak is a fast-growing tree native to North America. A parent species of the rarer Arran whitebeam, the rock whitebeam is becoming increasingly hard to find. Common Osier Trees - Salix viminalis from £8.95 Blue Spruce Trees - Picea pungens from £8.95 Sessile Oak Trees - Quercus petraea from £8.95 Small Leaved Lime Trees - Tilia cordata from £8.95 Named after the month in which it blooms and a sign that spring is turning to summer. Silver birch (Betula pendula) The silver birch grows fast in its youth, reaches 25 metres on average … Trees woods and wildlife. The field maple is a sturdy broadleaf, which supports caterpillars, aphids, and all their predators, all while resisting air pollution. Browse through our fantastic range today, from Beech Trees, Holly Trees, Birch Trees and lots more. This allows them to live in marshy areas where other trees would die. Not only does the small-leaved lime’s blossom produce a sweet scent and pleasantly minty honey, its leaves support the caterpillars of moths such as the lime hawk, peppered and vapourer. Street tree, early spring flowerer and ancestor of the domestic plum. Not only does the small-leaved lime’s blossom produce a sweet scent and pleasantly minty honey, its leaves support the caterpillars of moths such as the lime hawk, peppered and vapourer. Also known as the pussy willow, the male catkins of the goat willow look like a cat’s paws. Britain and Ireland have few endemic trees, most being micro-species of Whitebeam. It’s beautiful, useful, and its year-round leaf cover makes it a winter haven for wildlife. Find out more. Registered office: Kempton Way, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG31 6LL. The United Kingdom's native plants, says London's Natural History Museum, were present in the British Isles before there was an English Channel. Because they grow so slowly, timber from broadleaves is known as hardwood. It supports early pollinators and is an excellent coastal windbreaker, tolerating salty winds and exposure. Images © protected Woodland Trust. Pleasant smelling, antiseptic, highly flammable. The U.K.'s native wildlife has adapted to depend on these plants for food and shelter, and as the plants disappear, the wildlife struggles to survive. Trembling, fluttering and shimmering in the slightest breeze. A reputation for causing a bang. Explore the benefits of trees and which British tree is best for your green space. Trees For Sale – Our Native Container Trees For Sale Who are Ashtrees Nursery? Trees which colonised the land after the last ice age and before the UK was disconnected from mainland Europe are classed as native. Ash. Small but pretty, the bay willow is named after its smell and misleading appearance. 294344) and in Scotland (No. Looming, handsome, graveyard-dweller. Trees For Sale – Our Native Container Trees For Sale Who are Ashtrees Nursery? Small but pretty, the bay willow is named after its smell and misleading appearance. A soft, silvery lover of damp woodland, the grey willow is a bit scruffy but full of charm. Height: 20m ; Bareroot Delivery Only: Nov-Mar. Sycamore might have been introduced by the Romans or in the 1500s. The reason some trees die or grow poorly in wet areas is simply because they cannot breathe. Walnut was first introduced by the Romans who, like much of our native wildlife, valued its nuts. A real city slicker, the London plane is the capital’s most common tree. It’s compact, has leathery leaves, and – unusually for a tree – has autumn flowers rich in nectar, at the same time as red fruits for the birds. The Woodland Trust and Woodland Trust Nature Detectives logos are registered trademarks. This has made it a symbol of death and doom, but it provides food and shelter for woodland animals. The fruit of the apple tree is a firm favourite in the UK. Dense and graceful, the western hemlock is a handsome tree with drooping branches of soft needles. A handsome healer, the black walnut is both ornamental and medicinally valuable. Although it isn’t as valuable to wildlife as our native oaks, it’s popular with nesting birds and pollinators. It’s the perfect home for iconic Scottish wildlife, such as the red squirrel, capercaillie, Scottish crossbill and the Scottish wildcat. See the Woodland Trust guide for a full list of native British trees. Silver birch is a tall, airy tree with papery white bark and a light … Imposing, elegant, rare. A butterfly’s paradise with lovely blossom and even lovelier fruit. Catkins resembling lambs tails, and late-summer nuts. Get instant access to the definitive ‘how to’ practical conservation guides. Registered in England No. Crab apple trees are associated with love and marriage and its small, hard fruits make an exquisite, jewel-coloured jelly. Rugged yet charming, rock whitebeam clings to areas of rocky woodland and fissures in limestone cliffs. Over 70 species found in the UK, from all the native trees to the common non-natives. An endemic species is a plant only native to a certain area. It was first introduced in the 1500s and, though it’s not as adapted as our native oaks, it supports plenty of our wildlife. But, some water loving trees have developed the ability to grow roots without needing air. box (Buxus sempervirens), English yew (Taxus baccata), holly (Ilex aquifolium), hornbeam (Carpinus betulus), beech (Fagus sylvatica), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and silver birch (Betula pendula). It supports more life than any other native tree species in the UK; even its fallen leaves support biodiversity. Download our free Tree ID app for Android and iPhone to identify the UK's native and non-native trees. The spindle is at its loveliest in autumn when its leaves turn russet and its pink and orange fruits ripen. The deceptively named English elm was likely introduced by our Bronze Age ancestors. It’s not only a source of food and shelter for native wildlife, it can even decontaminate soils it is planted on! A stunning, scented show-stopper of a tree. Native tree and shrub species are better adapted to the local environment, and also tend to have Charming, sturdy, pollinator-magnet. Advice, instructions and support to manage your countryside and green spaces. This plant’s common name harks back its use as a laxative. A native evergreen that’s at home in your garden. Since then, it’s colonised woodland, becoming a source of food and shelter for wildlife including aphids that leave behind their tacky honeydew. The Woodland Trust and Woodland Trust Nature Detectives logos are registered trademarks. It’s a hybrid between the small-leaved and large-leaved lime, and is a particular favourite of aphids and their many predators. Industrious, delicate, colourful. Squirrels, jays and badgers love their acorns and caterpillars flock to eat their leaves, in fact 326 species of wildlife are found only on oak. As a hybrid of American sycamore and Oriental plane, it was first discovered in the 17th century then widely planted in the 18th. The field maple is a sturdy broadleaf, which supports caterpillars, aphids, and all their predators, all while resisting air pollution. A stunning, scented show-stopper of a tree. Familiar, romantic, sticky. Swamp-dweller, water-lover. Its leaves are a favourite with caterpillars and its seeds are eaten by birds and small mammals. It’s a lover of damp conditions, and feeder of pollinators and caterpillars. Rare, charming, foul-smelling. The guelder rose brightens woods with spring blossom, autumn colour and vibrant berries. design & words Amir Schlezinger. From. 100% satisfaction guarantee. Britain and Ireland have few endemic trees, most being micro-species of Whitebeam. First introduced in the 1800s, it’s been a valuable timber source and provided homes for the likes of red squirrels and pine martens. Ragged robin, Lychnis flos-cuculi, is a striking wildflower, native to damp, wetland … Autumn leaf identification quiz: can you identify these 10 trees? The plum is a petite tree which is perfect for pollinators and a perfect addition to any orchard. Its fruit feeds wildlife, and its blossom, though beautiful, has quite a smell. Ragged robin, Lychnis flos-cuculi, is a striking wildflower, native to damp, wetland … As the Earth warmed and ice began to melt and retreat, over 10,000 years ago, species began to recolonise the once frozen land from the warmer south. Planting trees fights climate change! H and S6m (20ft) Silver birch, Betula pendula. One of our most beloved trees. It's an A-Z tree guide in your pocket. Its fruit feeds wildlife, and its blossom, though beautiful, has quite a smell. Such species include beech (native only to south-eastern Britain), horse chestnut, sweet chestnut, sycamore and walnut. A spring-time show-off, European larch is a conifer full of surprises. Wildlife loves its leaves and fruit, and aphids flock to it, bringing with them an array of their predators. The yew is one of the longest-lived native species in Europe. How to identify trees. A parent species of the rarer Arran whitebeam, the rock whitebeam is becoming increasingly hard to find. Huge, sweeping and romantic, the white willow is a typical weeping willow. All trees have clues and features that can help with identification. However, suitably managed native, and in particular ancient and semi-natural woodlands, including appropriately restored plantations on ancient woodland sites (PAWS), will contribute the most. It’s a beloved plant of the brimstone butterfly. Discover our recent challenges and successes and how you can help. The reason for native trees are that they don't need much effort to grow because they are native. Spiky cases, gleaming seeds, celebrated by children. Gnarled and mighty, the hornbeam is as tough as they come. The rippling leaves of this beautiful tree give it its name: quaking aspen. The wood of this tough tree doesn’t rot when waterlogged, instead turning stronger... Alder buckthorn. Buy trees or tree packs from the Woodland Trust shop. Caterpillars flock to feed on its leaves and its fuzzy catkins are an early pollen source for pollinators. A pretender to the throne, the Turkey oak was introduced to the UK in the 1700s and is now impacting our native oak populations. As well as its glorious flowering spikes, bird cherry is also beautiful for … Ashtrees Nursery are a long established Leeds based Tree Nursery who work throughout Yorkshire and the UK supplying private individuals, small & large companies, organisations & local councils with habitat creation services. Our Hazel Trees and Oak Trees are quite popular, with the oak tree being the national tree of England and hazel trees dominating parks and the woodlands. Beech Trees For Sale Birch Trees For Sale Hazel is one of the most useful trees for its bendy stems and as a conservation saviour. Max. All trees have clues and features that can help with identification. It is a hybrid of rowan and rock whitebeam which has stayed on the Isle of Arran since the last glaciers were formed. Explore the benefits of trees and which British tree is best for your green space. The reason some trees die or grow poorly in wet areas is simply because they cannot breathe. Over 25 years experience. It is often planted as an ornamental tree for its flaming autumn colour. From. Discover our recent challenges and successes and how you can help. Rare, charming, foul-smelling. A tree of strength and industry, western red cedar is grown in the UK for hedging and timber. The black poplar was once a staple of Britain’s landscape but these days, the trees are few and far between. In spring, nectar-loving animals flock to this beautiful tree for its almond-scented blossom. Can some body provide insight into what are the native fruit trees of UK (I live in Birmingham). Find out all you need to know about why elder is the very essence of summer. Trees that have been brought to the UK by humans are known as non-native. Native broadleaf and conifer woodland trees, shrubs and hedging plants, tree guards and accessories to buy online, from year-old saplings to feathered trees. Even if every household with a garden in the UK planted two trees they would amount to 45 million. The Woodland Trust is a charity registered in England and Wales (No. Bald Cypress - Taxodium distichum. Swamp-dweller, water-lover. It’s a lover of damp conditions, and feeder of pollinators and caterpillars. The deceptively named English elm was likely introduced by our Bronze Age ancestors. A reputation for causing a bang. Rugged yet charming, rock whitebeam clings to areas of rocky woodland and fissures in limestone cliffs. A pretender to the throne, the Turkey oak was introduced to the UK in the 1700s and is now impacting our native oak populations. Swamp-dweller, water-lover. There is a specific term for species present since 1500; an ‘archaeophyte’. Deciduous trees native to the British Isles include various varieties of Beech, Birch, Ash, Whitebeam, Hornbeam, Hazel & Willow. Flamboyant, romantic, wildlife beacon. Adds nitrogen to soil. GB520 6111 04. Native Tree Varieties in Standard Sizes. If they do not get air, they will die. Tart, tangy and crisp. Wildlife loves its leaves and fruit, and aphids flock to it, bringing with them an array of their predators. It's an A-Z tree guide in your pocket. Even if every household with a garden in the UK planted two trees they would amount to 45 million. Pretty, pale, a symbol of purity. It supports lots of wildlife, including the elusive and regal purple emperor butterfly. Common Hornbeam Trees. The Woodland Trust is a charity registered in England and Wales (No. This is as opposed to ‘non-natives’, which are species that have been introduced to the British landscape by man. Introduced over 400 years ago, it’s a favourite with squirrels, birds and moths alike. Imposing, elegant, rare. Beautiful blossom and a bounty of bright red fruits. Acidic fruits that are adored by birds. At home on a country estate or deep in the wild, this lime is common in name only. These long-lived giants, with their prickly-husks and deeply grooved bark, give us our classic Christmas nut. Weeping Willow, Lombardy Poplar and Silver Birch are among the UK's fastest-growing trees. Arran whitebeam is one of the rarest and most endangered trees in the world. It’s less valuable to wildlife, but much faster growing and a host of the knopper oak gall wasp. Horse chestnuts, with their mahogany-bright conkers, are the very essence of autumn. 2296645), is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Woodland Trust. Festive, neat and prickly. This tree gives astonishing displays of blossom in spring along hedgerows and woods. Spot it at riversides with leaves draped in the water where it feeds and shelters native wildlife. Rare, rugged, isolated. With its evergreen leaves, the holm oak is a bold splash of colour in the winter months. Types of mushroom in the UK: common identification guide, Woodland Walks podcast with Adam Shaw and Dan Snow, Foraging for natural Christmas decorations. Loved by some but loathed by others. Registered office: Kempton Way, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG31 6LL. A fine hedgerow and specimen tree. Catkins resembling lambs tails, and late-summer nuts. British Hardwood Tree Nursery supply a comprehensive range of wholesale bare root native trees, shrubs, bare root hedging plants and planting accessories to a clientbase across the UK. The pale green leaves of this hedgerow staple are often the first to appear in spring, with an explosion of pretty pale-pink blossom in May. Box is so special it’s got a hill named after it. Alternatively species can also be native when they have flown or swum to Britain as is the case with many bird species which arrived after the submersion of the land bridge, a recent example is the collared dove which arrived in the 1950s, this also applies for plants which spread seed in the wind. However, native trees and shrubs have a place in UK gardens and some are familiar favourites either as full blown trees or clipped plants; e.g. But, some water loving trees have developed the ability to grow roots without needing air. Deep purple, distinctive, dramatic. All Irish yews descended from cuttings of one tree found in County Fermanagh in the 1700s. Also a good place to buy them and spacing required between them. A fragrant home for wildlife, the Douglas fir isn’t just for Christmas.

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