technique involves fluid layout design mcq

In the above scenario you can double the column width and keep 6 columns instead of 12 to provide better readability of your content. You have the Root fluid box (ID/ FB_8) containing 6 child Fluid Boxes. Multiple-choice question exams are challenging and time-consuming to create. The code for the above section is given below. If you know the width of your site across all browsers an… Then download the fluid version of the CSS file. Correct Answer. Design & Layout of Foodservice Facilities (EXAM 2) STUDY. 1. Responsive design is the process of arranging the layout in a way that all the important information is presented in a user-readable way in any kind of device or screen size. A page created using responsive web design includes CSS media queries, which load different styles depending on the width of the window or the type of device used to access the page. Fluid grid used inside media_query.html file will be similar to the examples we discussed in earlier section. HTML MCQ Question with Answer. On the bottom section we have an IFRAME which will be used to load our fluid grid. Facility layout is an arrangement of different aspects of manufacturing in an appropriate manner as to achieve desired production results. Concept of Facility Layout Process of Facility Layout Designing Information Gathering Production and Material Flow Analysis Support Services Implementation and Evaluation. Generally, the measure chosen is 960 pixels. Select the correct statement. After the site location decision has been made, the next focus in production planning is the facility’s layout. Learn. I will be using the  Variable Grid System to generate a fluid grid according to our preference. While this layout might look great on a 1024x768 screen, it might look small on a 1920x1080 screen and would not fit on a 800x600 screen. The CSS used to create a fixed layout vs a fluid layout is shown below. Multiple Choice Questions for CAD/CAM 1. The choices you make depend on your priorities in the research, and often involve some tradeoffs – a research design that is strong in one area might be weaker in another. In adaptive grids, we define pixel-based dimensions. The technology driven one stop solution provider for water and wastewater treatment plant design, fabrication, electrical control system management and operational management, and service provider, we offer sustainable solutions that can serve as the economic basis. A fluid layout is a type of webpage design in which layout of the page resizes as the window size is changed. The grid is divided into a specific number of columns to keep the layout clean and easy to handle. Hence it’s wise to generate a fluid grid which will enable you to learn the basics of fluid grids. If you think a term should be updated or added to the TechTerms dictionary, please email TechTerms! Each and every element in our design should be inside a container with the class container_12 . Mobile devices are getting smaller in size and people prefer using them in their personal work. The first row is divided into 2 sections of 6 columns and each of the 2 sections are divided again into 4 sections of 3 columns. c) The friction factor decreases with time. This is how you create nested columns in grids. The terms "fluid layout" and "responsive web design" are sometimes used interchangeably, but they are two different things. For an organization to have an effective and efficient manufacturing unit, it is important that special attention is given to facility layout. Sol:(d) Kary Mullis. a. Ans: d 87. Breakpoints are made using a media query in CSS.Responsive Website Design (RWD): Websites that are built with responsive design use media queries to target breakpoints that scale images, wrap text and adjust layout so that the website can ‘shrink to fit’ any size of screen. A fluid is a substance that continually deforms (flows) under an applied shear stress – Wikipedia. The following suggestions for designing MCQs are organized into three sections: 1) general strategies, 2) designing stems, and 3) designing alternatives. Here you will find a list of common important questions on html programming in MCQ quiz style with answer for competitive exams and interviews. Select the correct statement. The Metacentric heights of two floating bodies A and B are 1 m and 1.5 m respectively. The advantage of fluid grid is that we can adjust the max-width and it will still work on larger screens due to the percentage based calculations. a. create a good human relations … Write questions throughout the term. The CSS classes in the examples could each be assigned to a div within a page's HTML where the .left, .right, and .middle classes are enclosed within the .content class. Repeated IPA - OPA mcq's kyt, bizskill, design (Know your tcs, Business skills, Design). In fixed-width layouts, the width of the site is bound to a certain number of pixels. (a) It is a DNA sequencing technique. d. strategy . For example, instead of creating a content area of 960px, a web developer can create a layout that fills 80% of the screen and the three columns could take up 18%, 64%, and 18% respectively. If you find this Fluid Layout definition to be helpful, you can reference it using the citation links above. Technique involves fluid layout design so the site can adjust according the resolution of the devices. Each set of components is contained within an element with the class container_12. Once the function is called, it will check for the device using the passed parameter. Now we get another 12 columns inside the main 6 columns. Spell. Impressive Pure CSS Drawings, Animations, and More. Containers Containers are the most basic layout element in Bootstrap and are required when using our default grid system. serene_liew. The ID's I mention for the Fluid boxes are from the master slides. If you have any questions, please contact us. Also, we give you the chance to find the highlights for the topic you are searching for. The purpose of this tutorial is to understand fluid grids from top to bottom. MCQ Fluid Mechanics Edit Practice Test: Question Set - 15. Fluid grids will adapt to the change in browser window or device. Most webpage layouts include one, two, or three columns. You can load the demo and resize your browser to view the fluid nature of grid columns. All definitions on the TechTerms website are written to be technically accurate but also easy to understand. In web design, fluid will be our design or layout and shear stress will be the screen size or user device. In web design, fluid will be our design or layout and shear stress will be the screen size or user device. Free surface of a liquid tends to contract to the smallest possible area due to force of (A) Surface tension (B) Viscosity (C) Friction (D) Cohesion. For example, in case of a fluid-width design with a sidebar that is 35 per cent of the actual width of the page, then based on the actual width of the browser window, one could tell what to do if the browser is very narrow, or what to do if it is wider, and also, what exactly to do if it is really quite wide. Even in this case the number 1 is not displayed properly. Ans: d. 14. The content class could also be a assigned to a table and the other classes could be assigned to table cells. Tcs opa mcq’s (KYT) 1) Who founded TATA group. Let’s see how we can create nested fluid columns using the CSS file we generated earlier. Before we dig deeper into fluid grids, let’s take a look at some cool fluid designs to get an idea about how fluid layouts work. Regardless of what the device or screen size is, components in fluid designs are going to flow and adapt to the user environment. MCQ on PCR. a) True b) False. Later the same air exists … A laboratory experiment allows you to investigate … Subscribe to our popular newsletter and get the latest web design news and resources directly in your inbox. 10. So we just cannot plan for smaller devices in responsive design. Small device site become unreadable. Inside the container we can use the grid_n class to create fluid columns with specific widths. Choose from a responsive, fixed-width container (meaning its max-width changes at each breakpoint) or fluid-width (meaning it’s 100% wide all the time). This is accomplished by defining areas of the page using percentages instead of fixed pixel widths. The polymerase chain reaction is_____. 100 TOP FLUID MECHANICS Multiple Choice Questions and Answers <—-CLICK HERE. 59.13 N/mm 2 c. 65.62 N/mm … (b) It is a DNA degradation technique (c) It is a DNA amplification technique (d) All of the above. Fluid grids allow you to create responsive designs which suit dynamic screen sizes. We have 12 fluid columns in our grid. General strategies. Let’s see how to code the above layout. So I’ll make things clear by explaining the above definition in simple practical terms. a. Z-body b. X-body c. Angle d. Y-body Most designers that are just starting out think that using a responsive CSS framework will make your design responsive. In a CAD package, mirror image of a 2D point P (5, 10) is to be obtained about a line which passes through the origin and makes an angle of 45° counterclockwise with the X-axis. Then it will change the width of the .wrapper (IFRAME) to the standard width for the device. Design of Pressure Vessels - Mechanical Engineering (MCQ) questions and answers. First we create the main containers and columns as we did in the previous section. Fluid grids are built using columns that are considered fluid columns. Facility Layout. Fluid Layout: A fluid layout is a type of webpage design in which layout of the page resizes as the window size is changed. Unfortunately responsive design is not that simple. Take the Quiz and improve your overall General Knowledge. Inside the column we need to create another container with container_12 class for nested columns. We might need to create columns and rows inside other columns and rows. A liquid page layout (sometimes called "fluid" or "fluid width") are scale and uses relative units instead of fixed units. 36.63 N/mm 2 b. In the early days of web design, when most users had similar screen sizes, web developers would assign the columns fixed widths. MCQs of CAD/CAM 1. When you have a CSS framework, creating a grid with fluid columns is straightforward. Flashcards. Test. This is how the fluid grid discussed in earlier sections will display on small screens. (a) Kohler (b) Altman (c) Milstein (d) Kary Mullis. Our testing page has basic HTML layout with jQuery. The fixed width .content class does not require a defined width since it automatically spans the width of the enclosed divs or table cells. See our disclosure about affiliate links here. But not all designs are going to be straightforward like the layout shown previously. Now open it in your favorite text editor and search for Grid >> 12 Columns. Then percentage based widths are assigned to classes with .grid_1 , .grid_2 … .grid_n. These frequently asked sample questions on HTML are given with correct choice of answer that you can check instantly. Mechanical Engineering MCQ questions and answers especially for the Mechanical Engineer and who preparing for GATE Exam. Created by. The goal is to determine the most efficient and effective design for the particular production process. So whenever the device or screen size is changed, elements will adjust their widths and heights by the specified proportions to its parent container. 2. You will find lots and lots of MCQs on Web Design. It explains in computing terminology what Fluid Layout means and is one of many Internet terms in the TechTerms dictionary. Home >> Category >> Electronic Engineering (MCQ) questions & answers >> Filter Design Techniques (IIR) 1) The Elliptic filters have 1) Flat pass band 2) Flat stop band 3) Equiripple pass band 4) Equiripple stop band. The fundamental purpose of an organization’s mission statement is to . You can use the demo files to customize the codes. Columns contained within a parent column are called nested columns. Strategic Management MCQ: Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Strategic Management . Then we will be able to see how a fluid grid works on smaller screens. MCQ 11.41 (a) Unbiased sample variance (b) Population variance (c) Biased sample variance (d) All of the above MCQ 11.42 (a) Unbiased sample variance (b) True variance (c) Biased sample variance (d) Variance of means MCQ 11.43 The sampling procedure in which the population is first divided into homogenous groups and then a sample Plant layout begins with the design of the factory building and goes up to the location and movement of a work table. Examples . + Fluidized Bed Granulations Fluid Bed Granulation is a process by which granules are produced in single equipment by spraying a binder solution onto a fluidized powder bed.The material processed by fluid bed granulation are finer, free flowing and homogenous.The system involves the heating of air and then directing it through the material to be processed . 3 and 4 are correct c. 2 and 3 are correct d. All the four are correct. Gravity. 24.A globe valve is suitable for stopping and starting fluid flow, but not for regulating flow. The fundamental purpose for the existence of any organization is described by its . You can unsubscribe at any time.Questions? This is accomplished by defining areas of the page using percentages instead of fixed pixel widths. These are just grid columns without proper data. Involves no more than the selection of a major piece of equipment or the replacement of a small area of foodservice facility. We used to design inside fixed grids with the 960px system. Setup Fluid Boxes in MCQ,T/F,FIB,Sequence Master slide. So make sure not to depend only on fluid grids in responsive designs. Please contact us. So let’s take a look at how the columns are stacked up in our layout. Creating a fluid grid from scratch is not an easy task and will require time and effort. Now you should have a clear knowledge of creating fluid grids and working with nested columns. For example, a fixed layout may include a main content area that is 960px wide with three columns that have widths of 180px, 600px, and 180px. Home >> Category >> Mechanical Engineering (MCQ) questions and answers >> Design of Pressure Vessels; 1) Internal pressure of 2.5 Mpa acts on a pressure vessel of thickness 15 mm and internal diameter of 1500 mm. What is the stress induced in longitudinal direction? a) financial b) tactical c) system design d) system operation 31. Fluid layouts solve this problem by using percentages to define each area of the layout. 1. A qualitative case study is good for gaining in-depth understanding of a specific context, but it does not allow you to generalize to a wider population. MCQ: Unit -2: Operation processes 1.What type of process would a Cement plant be most likely to use? Terms in this set (71) Level 1. This page contains a technical definition of Fluid Layout. Using 960 often makes fixed-width design preferable to fluid layouts. Now let’s take a look at the changeGrid function. Using grid_1 will give 1/12 width of the original grid and grid_2 will give you 2/12. In this scenario we need to adjust the widths of the columns in order to provide better user experience. MCQs on PCR. In fluid grids we define a maximum layout size for the design. Typically a liquid layout will use percentages instead of pixels, but any relative unit of measurement will work, such as ems. MCQ Estimating MCQ Fertilizer Tech MCQ Fluid Mechanics MCQ Furnace Tech. 1. You should have something like the following screen as the testing screen. You can use CSS media queries to adjust the widths of columns for different screen sizes. Since fluid grids flow naturally within the dimensions of its parent container, limited adjustments will be needed for various screen sizes and devices. You cannot depend only on fluid grids to provide the perfect responsive design for you. Most of us have heard of the 960 Grid System for designing fixed-width Web pages. Write. a. are given a proper place. I have arranged the questions and answers in such a manner that by the time you reach the end of it, you would have mastered a lot of concepts regarding web design. This is because with the passing of time, developers have found 960 pixels to be the best size for grid layouts, because the number is easily divisible by 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 15. The complexity of developing a fluid grid can be minimized by using an existing CSS framework. Regardless of what the device or screen size is, components in fluid designs are going to flow and adapt to the user environment. Once you confirm your address, you will begin to receive the newsletter. Once the link is clicked changeGrid function will be called with the type device as parameter. Let’s move further in fluid grids. PLAY. Hence it’s wise to choose an existing CSS Grid Framework or Grid Generator as the base for your layout design. Now that we have completed the basics of fluid grids, we can move onto creating a simple demo with jQuery to test the fluid grid for different screen sizes. b) A pipe becomes smooth after using for long time. Apparently the ID has to be unique as usual. We just sent you an email to confirm your email address. Fluid grid is contained in the media_query.html file. In adaptive grids, we define pixel-based dimensions. Answer Explanation ANSWER: 3 and 4 are correct. 86. Then 12 sub columns can be divided as necessary. Percentages technique involves fluid layout design mcq define each area of the page using percentages, the next in. The highlights for the device or screen size or user device more Information what the device using passed! From scratch is not an easy task and will require time and effort and them... 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